A verdade do dizer do fenômeno: sobre a compreensão heideggeriana da fenomenologia


  • Marco Casanova Professor Titular do Departamento de filosofia da UERJ, Pesquisador do CNPq com bolsa de produtividade em pesquisa




Language, Phenomenon, Givenness, Description, Existence


The central aim of the present paper is to stablish the place of language in the constitution of the own truth of phenomena in general. There is in fact nothing stranger for contemporary philosophy than the way phenomenology deals with the question concerning the problem of the interference of language in the constitution of knowledge. Changing the word interpretation trough the word description, phenomenology opens the possibility to speak about an immediate access to the truth of beings. In order to do it, as we will see in accordance with Heidegger’s position, it is important to consider language not as expression of psychical processes, but as self-givenness of phenomena. Reconstruct this way of thinking through a reading of paragraph 7 of Being and Time is the central of all our efforts here.


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