A problemática do sentido e do sujeito no campo transcendental sem sujeito em Gilles Deleuze
Sujeito. Campo transcendental. Singularidades nômades. Acontecimento. Deleuze.Abstract
The purpose of this work is to generally expose the main movements of argument through which the French philosopher, Gilles Deleuze, in his work The Logic of Sense, arrives at the proposition of meaning as a form of production. This problematic inserts meaning as a production located in the transcendental field, which will highlight the role of singularities, especially that of a paradoxical element, which will be essential to the creation of meaning. We will first focus on Deleuzian criticism of an entire philosophy of representation, his engagement with phenomenology and, finally, the notion of a decentered subject. The method we will use will be the structural one in which social reality is analyzed based on the construction of models that explain how relationships occur based on what they call structures.
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