Plotting women: spectacle and intratextual dialogue in Ovid's Heroides 2 and 10


  • Carol Martins da Rocha UFJF
  • Jéssica Rodrigues de Oliveira UFJF



Heroides, female authorship, drama, space-time, irony


This article analyses the Epistles of Phyllis and Ariadne in Ovid's Heroides from a dramatic perspective. It explores the ways in which the heroine-authors’ speeches build an epistolary theatre by incorporating different genres into the work. For this purpose, we will argue that these two letters are related to each other within the collection based on two features shared by the elegiac, the epistolary and the dramatic genres: the space and time conventions, and the irony effects. This study aims to highlight the female voice and its authorial power in the ancient texts, regarding generic mixture and intratextuality as two key-elements which confer a theatrical dimension to the selected letters.

Author Biographies

  • Carol Martins da Rocha, UFJF

    Docente de língua e literatura latina e do PPG-Linguística da Faculdade de Letras

  • Jéssica Rodrigues de Oliveira, UFJF

    Mestranda do PPG-Linguística (2023-2025)


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