O logos do fenômeno: a linguagem como o acontecer do curso do ser


  • Marcos Aurélio Fernandes Professor Adjunto da Universidade de Brasília e coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da UnB.




phenomenon, logos, language, event, being


This reflection proposes a meditation on the logos of the phenomenon, that is, its phenomenology as language as the e-vent of the course of being (Ereignis). The phenomenon appears as an imbrication of being and e-vent of Being (course of being), of presence and absence, of non-concealment and hidden-ness, of identity and difference. What is phenomenal in the phenomenon is its logos, that is, that it exists as phenomenal-logy. This logos shines in the openness of the simple and immediate seeing. It is what calls for thinking and requires the thinker's listening. Man speaks for and to correspond to this logos. The exercise of this correspondence to the call of logos takes place in a multifarious variety of discourses. The resonance of logos in human discourse becomes deaf when language is taken as a means-instrument and information in the horizon of functional and objective, technical and scientific discourse. This resonance increases in the forgotten poetry of everyday speech, in conversation and dialogue. It becomes ultimately more vibrant in his poetry, in "mythos" and "epos". It is only in poetic experience, whether of the poet who sings or the thinker who meditates, that, through an inaugural saying, language comes to language as language and becomes experience.



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