O jogo como metáfora do compreender e do interpretar na hermenêutica de Gadamer


  • Roberto S. Kahlmeyer-Mertens Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ, professor do Curso de Filosofia da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná – UNIOESTE




Game, understanding, interpretation, linguisticity, Gadamer


The theme of the article is the metaphor of the art game in Truth and Method, by Hans-Georg Gadamer, and how it makes it possible to think hermeneutically about the concepts of understanding and interpretation. It is interesting to indicate how the game is dynamic when it comes to the movement of existential understanding and how this dynamic is capable of engendering interpretations. In focus is the idea of an existential understanding and the idea of a space of game that is proper to its constitution; as for interpretation, as a moment of composition between previous comprehensive structures and Previously Historically sedimented meanings in what is given to be understood. The article aims to show how understanding would constitute a game that constitutes both the player and the played. Among other secondary objectives, we also intend to show that interpretations are always subject to revisions of their meaning in the game that they constitute. In this way, notions such as fusion of horizons, hermeneutic circle and linguisticity are present here.




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