The Psychophysical Interaction: from Jonas’ intuitive model to the systematic model of SSP




Hans Jonas, mental causality, Puntel, psychophysical interaction, Being


In this paper, we offer a model of psychophysical interaction starting from Hans Jonas’intuitive model, explained through the theoretical framework of structural-systematic philosophy (SSP). For Jonas, there would be no moral responsibility if there were no spiritual dimension different from the material dimension and if such a dimension were not free from neuronal determinism. However, Jonas does not offer a systematic explanation of his model, presenting difficulties in overcoming the radical Cartesian dualism. In this paper, we try to indicate a solution to the problem of interaction through the theoretical framework of SSP. The great advantage of SSP constitutes the dissolution of much of the mind-body problem through its theory of Being as such and as a whole, which thematizes an oniabranging dimension capable of intrinsically interconnecting the bodily and spiritual dimensions. To reach this conclusion, the paper reviews a number of concepts and offers a new conception of causality capable of interconnecting ontologically different entities, as are mental and physical prime facts.



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