From cosmovision to cosmoperception, political shifts and the production of corporeality


  • Andreia Alves Monteiro de Castro Professora Adjunta de Literatura Portuguesa e de Literaturas Africanas de Língua Portuguesa no Instituto de Letras da UERJ (2019).
  • Luciana Pires Alves Doutora em Educação pela UFF, professora pesquisadora na Educação Básica do Município de Duque de Caxias e no Ensino Superior na Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ/FEBF).



Cosmoperception, Corporeality, Education, African Literature


This article intends to show how the writer Paulina Chiziane, in O Alegre Canto da Perdiz, approaches the ways of producing sensitivities and political bodies that challenge whiteness as an experience. We argue that discursive acts produce their own corporeality and desiring reality. The reader, faced with the narrative of the stories that produce the experience as whiteness, ends up having his vision strained. Pursuing a path of deconstruction, we follow Oyěwùmí and his concept of worldview that establishes an open perceptual field that can develop different ways of producing himself and the world. We understand the sensitive not as a given, but as a potential for creating worlds and cosmopoietic sensibilities. To assume this composition is to try to reveal that the world is not just a space of pauses, but a substratum of our subjectivity.


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