Neutralization of the value of nature: nihilism and environmental destruction


  • Michelle Bobsin Duarte Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ



Hans Jonas , Environmental crisis , Nihilism


The objective of the article is to draw a connection between a specific facet of modern/contemporary nihilism diagnosed by Hans Jonas, that is, the neutralization of the value of nature. For this, we will present the main ideals of Jonas' work on Gnosticism, nihilism and the philosopher's critique of dualism.

Author Biography

  • Michelle Bobsin Duarte, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ

    Doutora em Filosofia pela PUC Rio, na linha de pesquisa em Filosofia e a Questão Ambiental. É professora colaboradora no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia da UFRRJ. 


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