Rethinking Nature and Culture: dialogues between biology and anthropology in Tim Ingold’s thought


  • Bruno Feltrin Puttini Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp)



Natureza/Cultura; Antropoceno; Teoria Antropológica


The present study aims to examine the relationship between human and biological sciences, as well as their implications in the central dichotomies of Western thought, through the work of British anthropologist Timothy Ingold. In this sense, the text explores some points and dualities discussed in Ingold's work. Initially, the dialogue between Biology and Anthropology is presented through the genealogy of the concept of evolution. Then, the duality of Evolution/History is discussed, demonstrating its connection to the previous topic. The dichotomy of Animality/Humanity is presented, delving into the critique of theoretical frameworks that advocate the existence of genetic and cultural transmission of pre-coded information. Finally, the study discusses the problem of agency and its consequent distinction between the Inanimate/Animate. Therefore, the objective of this study is centered on understanding the traditional separation between Nature and Culture to better comprehend the philosophical foundations and assumptions of the West. The analysis highlights the need for an empirical approach to overcome traditional Western dichotomies and emphasizes the importance of a more integrated and dynamic view of the world. It concludes that Ingold's thought offers new perspectives for understanding the relationships between nature, culture, humanity, and non-humanity, challenging conventional assumptions and suggesting paths for understanding and coexistence in times of the Anthropocene.


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