The Anthropocene: holistic science and challenges to traditional conceptions of knowledge and progress


  • Juliana Diaz Quintero Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU



Palabras Clave: Antropoceno, Conocimiento, Progreso, Ecología, Holismo.


This work traces a journey through the history of traditional conceptions of knowledge to demonstrate how these rationalities have contributed to practices that reify and instrumentalize nature, resulting in the emergence of this new geological era called Anthropocene. In that sense, understanding the causes of the current ecological and civilizational crisis, as well as the possible solutions, implies not only understanding the material conditions that gave rise to it, but also the ideological structures and cultural dynamics that have allowed its continuity. Eventually, this brief exposition will be key to establishing a comparison between Eurocentric Western rationalities and their understanding of nature and the relational ontologies of indigenous peoples, placing special emphasis on how these rationalities suggest an ethics of care towards nature and in that sense , practical solutions to the current ecological crisis that threatens us.

Author Biography

  • Juliana Diaz Quintero, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia - UFU

    Filósofa formada pela Universidade do Atlântico, Colômbia. Doutoranda em Filosofia na Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, MG. Bolsista CAPES/Brasil. E-mail: 


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