O mito das guerreiras Amazonas: as práticas sociais femininas nos relatos da Antiguidade


  • Nathalia Monseff Junqueira Professora Adjunta de História Antiga e Medieval na Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul.




Amazons; Classical Antiquity; Gender Studies; Written sources


In ancient times, mythology was part of the daily life of all societies, and influenced art, history, and theatre. A famous tale from Greek mythology, The Twelve Labours of Hercules, tells of a group of female warriors who developed a male-free society, the Amazons. According to Herodotus of Halicarnassus, they inhabited the region of Scythia, where they hunted and rode horses and also practised other activities that were not part of the universe associated with the feminine, like marriage and craftsmanship. The geographer Strabo points out that they were mainly engaged in military exercises and training with bows and arrow and shields. In this article, we propose to analyse the narratives about the Amazons based on the ancient sources and to take a fresh look at these women, in order to understand that the account of the variety of activities developed by the Amazons can be found in the community of authors who have written about them over time and is not limited to the mythical world.


Referências Documentação Textual

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