The feminist critique of the universal human


  • Márcia dos Santos Fontes Doutoranda em Filosofia pelo PPGFil-UFRN
  • Maria Cristina Longo Cardoso Dias Docente do Departamento de Filosofia da UFES



Feminism; Universal Human; Body; Canon


This paper analyses the feminist critique to the category of universal human, showing how this was constructed under a hierarchical dualism between reason-body from which an opposition between masculine and feminine was established. The first properly human, distinct from nature, the second linked to the natural domain. This opposition was extended to  colonized/racialized peoples, to proletarians, to marginalized, oppressed classes. We will, in this sense, identify how this category of universal human emerges in the canons of occidental philosophy and how such a conception implies, as Elizabeth Spelman
observed, in somatophobia (hostility against the body), misogyny (hostility against women) and racism and in which sense such elements will be made available and operationalized by the logic of capital domination. Finally, we will analyze how feminist thinkers such as Heleieth Saffioti, Lélia Gonzalez and Silvia Federici criticized the universalist conception of the human without putting corporeality under suspicion, but, on the contrary, approaching the way dualism between mind and body (and its division between human/nature, civilized/primitive etc.) was, and remains, strategically used as a tool of exclusion, oppression, usurpation and exploitation.


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