Aspasia of Miletus and Gorgias of Leontini

Foreigners enchanting Athens


  • Raquel Wachtler Pandolpho Doutoranda na UFS



In this present study, I approach the sophistic sorcery of Gorgias of Leontini and the persuasive magic of Aspasia of Miletus, a discerning hetaira who educated the Athenian statesman Pericles. According to relevant doxographical sources, Aspasia flourished the oratorical style of her female and male students, embellishing their speeches with Gorgianic tones. This impression was particularly noticeable in those who read the dialogue Aspasia by Aeschines. Without the materiality of the dialogue, it remains to investigate why doxography, speculating about this lost Aspasia, attributes characteristically Gorgianic stylistic marks to the teachings of the Ionian sophist. I intend to demonstrate the political relevance of the sophistic power and the influence that the oratorical techniques of the Leontine, resonating in the teachings provided by the Milesian, enjoyed in classical debates. Comparing the epitáphioi authored by Aspasia and the only surviving fragment of the funeral oration written by Gorgias, I highlight the fact that this sophistic production of funeral speeches shows that, being foreigners, when sophist wanted to influence the political field, they needed to perform a variety of persuasive strategies, exercising psychagogical guidance. Emphasizing that the education provided by the Aspasian school was powerful, to the extent that it cultivated a Gorgianized style in Pericles’ oratory, not only contributes to a fairer perception of the Milesian, but also to modify Pericles’ image. I suppose that the difference between Pericles before and after Aspasia is precisely the sophistication that the force of his words acquired through technical-persuasive improvement and the refinement with the introduction of speeches redacted by his partner and trusted logographer. Finally, the additional hypothesis is to affirm (taking Philostratus’ testimony seriously) that “sharpening the tongue in Gorgias’ manner” was the differential that the Aspasian education implanted and flourished in Pericles’ oratory. Sophisticating the Attic sobriety of the Athenian orator with a Gorgianic, cosmetic, ornamental, adorned, Asian, feminine and effeminate.


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