Linguagem e poesia


  • Pedro Fernandes Fogel Professor Substituto no CEFET-RJ – Campus Maracanã



In-the-word-beeing, Presence, Language, Poetics, Uncovering


The present article focused on the fundamental character of manifestation and accomplishment of reality based on the essence/experience of language’s comprehension, presented on M. Heidegger’s thought. Language, conceived as privileged ontological espace of consolidation/interaction of reality as such, wich means, as a selected measuring of reality as manifestation, takes place in existence as the essencial possibity of the beeing (irruption, immediate, spring: “in-the-world-beeing”). Consequently, as a settlement of the unity or structure of existence’s, language is conceived as authentic dynamics of attainment in wich the constitution of reality presents it self as such. Language, therefore, marked as compostition (“poiesis”) of entity, that is to say, as the fundamental origin of reality as such the production of speaking, shows up whereas uncovering. As long as composition of reality, language arises as the presentation or reveling of the existence as projection, in so far as it’s experience shows up in a relationship with possibility, embodying the force of generation of the extentsion/expansion of Dasein’s constitution.                         



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