The constitution of the subject by the loving word of the other


  • Mara Rubia Rodrigues Freitas PUCRS



Subject; Alterity; Word of love; Bakhtin; Lacan


To be a human been, it’s not enough to be born. It is necessary to be presupposed, seen, spoken, anticipated as a someone where there is still only one something - a body in its contingency. In the process of constitution of the human being by the encounter with the looking and the saying of others, in the clash of affections that emerge there, multiple voices are tense, but one is special for this civilizing power, oriented to generate and nourish life: the constitution of a subject for another subject's word of love. Faced with the “absolute aesthetic need of the other”, according to Bakhtin, crossed by the presumption that “to love is to give what you don’t have”, according to Lacan, we propose to think about the constitution of subjectivity through alterity, according two approaches: Bakhtinian ethics, based on responsive singularity, and Lacanian psychoanalysis, founded on the recognition of desire. The method of this theoretical-speculative reflection consists of two steps: evocation of the Bakhtin Circle and Jacques Lacan to dialogically analyze concepts and constitutive dynamics of subject, language and love; reflections on the process of constitution-recognition of the subject through the loving word of the other.

Author Biography

  • Mara Rubia Rodrigues Freitas, PUCRS




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