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Author Guidelines

Authors are required to check off their submissions compliance with all the following items. Disagreeing proposals will not be accepted.


  1. The proposal must be original and unpublished, and not sent to another journal for simultaneous consideration.


  1. The submission file is .doc, .docx, .odt, .tex e lyx.


  1. Every article must have, in the beginning, the title, the abstract with 50 to 200 words and 3 to 5 keywords, all in the original language and in English.


Obs. The previous rule does not apply to reviews and translations of classical texts.


  1. It is not allowed the publication of more than one article by the same author in a single edition or in consecutive editions (whether of the same volume or not). Therefore, after publishing in the journal, the author must wait an edition (1 semester) to send another article of his own. This rule does not apply to the publication of translations and reviews. This means that an author can publish an article of his own and a translation (or a review) of another author in the same number or in consecutive numbers.


  1. We only accept original articles, reviews and translations written by doctors, masters, or graduate students.


  1. Reviews should be of publications that date back at most 3 years from the time of submission.


  1. In the case of texts in other accepted languages (Spanish, French, English and German), the original version will be published and, at the discretion of the commission, the translation into Portuguese.


Obs. However, we receive spontaneous translations. In this case, the journal requires an express authorization of the original author and the publisher, if applicable.


  1. Authors are entirely responsible for ideas, opinions and concepts in their work.


  1. Authors must inform his or her institutional affiliation, city, state, country and email when they submitted their work. This information will be published with the text if the proposal is accepted by the referees.


  1. By publishing in this journal, the authors accept that:


a)     the copyright of his or her publication will be maintained but grant the journal the right of first publication.


b)     although they can take additional contracts in parallel, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publishing as a book chapter), they need to recognize the original publication from the journal.


c)      Articles can be printed as long as this journal is informed as a source and the author(s) are duly credited.


  1. The following style guidelines must be followed:


Times New Roman, 12-point font


Obs. For Greek characters, use “Times New Roman Unicode” or “New Athena Unicode”, available free of charge at:


Spacing: 1.5


Margins: Upper and Lower: 2.5 cm. Left and Right: 3cm.


Extension of each article: maximum of 20 pages.


Extension of each review: maximum of 10 pages.


  1. Citations with 3 or more lines should be apart in the body of the text with a single line before and after. In addition, they must have 1.25 cm indentation, font 11, single space and no quotes. All citations, including those with less than 3 lines, must contain references in a footnote.


Obs. For the previous rule, an exception can be made, in reviews, to citations of the book reviewed. In this case, a simple indication of the pages quoted in parentheses is enough.


  1. Each complete bibliographic reference can be provided in its first citation in a footnote.


a)     any new, non-simultaneous, occurrences of the same publication will have the following format: Author Last Name, First. Op. Cit., Page (p.) or section / paragraph (§) or any other indicative.


b)     For identical occurrences in sequence:


* Repeat the author's last name, if the text quoted is another one (do not use "Idem"); 

* Use “Ibidem” when the author and the text of the quote are repeated;

* If the page or the section is the same, use only “Ibidem”;

* If the text is the same, but the page is different, use “Ibidem” followed by the pages or section: Ibidem, p.xx or Ibidem, § xx


c)      Use the following rules for complete bibliographic reference:


Books: Author Last Name, First. Title of the book in italics. Place: Publisher, Year of publication.


Chapter in a Book: Author Last Name, First. "Title of the text" in quotes. In: Author Last Name, First. (org.). Title of the book in italics. Place: Publisher, Year of publication, initial and final page.


Journal Article: Author Last Name, First. "Title of the article" in quotes. In: Journal name in italics. Place: Publisher, Number, Month (if no Number), Year, initial and final page.


Obs1. Please note that a final section with complete bibliographic reference is required.


Obs2. We recommend a careful observation of the last number published to understand the rules adopted by the journal.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution is original and unpublished and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".

  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.

  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, on the About the Journal page.

    In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g., articles), the instructions available in ensuring blind peer review were followed.

  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission compliance with all the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.


Política padrão de seção